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 Personality Dynamics MENU 


Do you have managers in your organization who would benefit from coaching to improve their management techniques by understanding the personality type of their team and how to motivate and bring out the best in everyone?

Do you approach family gatherings with dread because you don't understand or get along with your family members?

Do you sometimes wonder if your significant other is from a different planet?

Don't despair!  It's just a difference in personality! 

Understanding why people are the way they are and do the things they do goes a long way towards easing tension, being more accepting of differences and enjoying each other more.

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Love and Personality
Relationship coaching - Individuals or couples

Did you know that each personality type:
Defines, perceives and expresses love differently? 
Have different needs in a love relationship?

Learn about your own personality and the personality type of your partner to create a more loving relationship.

Would you like to go from this...

To this...

To this?

Career coaching

Do you belong to a professional group or board and wonder why your group can't seem to work together effectively?  Understand the strengths and talents you bring to the group and how you can use those to help build an effective team environment.

Job search guidance - if you are one of those who has been "right-sized" out of a job, now is the time to factor in your job search those types of jobs that are conducive to your personality needs, strengths, talents and desires - find a job you are good at and can enjoy!

Let Personality Dynamics coach you to:

  • Improve communications in challenging relationships
  • Learn to build mutually rewarding relationships

Personality coaching is tailored to your particular interests and can be done in person or online.

Call or email today to learn more about how personality coaching can help you in business or with your interactions with friends and family.

©2020 WINtuition, Susan Rueppel, Destiny Doula - All Rights Reserved-